Sunday, August 13, 2017

10 foods that girls should avoid due to risk of vaginal discharge

Vomiting so much that it can be shocked that the body is covered in the body. Yet perhaps a lot of vaginal discharge may be because the girls eat a stimulant vaginal launch without knowing it.

Penile discharge is something that girls must meet. Seeing that it is a normal mechanism of the entire body. The longer the menopause, the more vaginal discharge. Because of our body changes junk slightly before the monthly period. But for ladies who feel like oral discharge too. Let's explore when you eat these foods.

1. Tea & Coffee
Having too much tea or coffee can stimulate more vaginal discharge. Because caffeine and tea have caffeine that can cause microbial vaginal discharge. In tea and coffee, sugar content is quite high. This kind of is the sugar that may raise the chances of infection in the genitals. Because the fungus is not sweet at all.

Nevertheless , drinking tea and coffee, the effect on asthma is very unconventional. It is a circumstance that drinking tea and coffee more than four glasses a day, which is actually much to drink the body and can burn energy and energy.

2. Flour foods
Especially white flour, they bread noodles. And white rice These mono-carbohydrates are digested and altered into sugar very quickly. This can cause high blood sugar levels. And when there is certainly sweet in the blood stream. The chances of infection in the vagina will also increase as well, and so the girls may have far more vaginal discharge.

3 Butter milk sugar
Additionally to excessive sweetness, the chance of vaginal illness is increased. Eating a lot of butter dairy can also cause acidity in the vagina to balance as well. During this time period, infection and bacteria may harm our vagina easier. The cause of a great deal of vaginal discharge is unusual.

4. Liquor
The queue with heavy discharge is very heavy. Try to reduce or stop drinking alcohol for a time. Then you will notice evidently that many of the vaginal discharge is abnormal due to alcohol itself. Break the total amount in the vagina Pursue local bacteria to reduce the number. Until the infection in the genitals and symptoms turn out as a vaginal discharge.

5. Flavor
Heat and damp conditions will be the favorite sources of fungus. And food is a type of food that boosts body temperature. This may also induce the secretion of digestive, gastrointestinal juice. Or in some individuals may cause irritable colon syndrome. Which means that the bacterias in our stomach lose balance. It may impact the balance of bacterias in the vaginal area.

6. Seafoods
In seafood there is a chemical that energizes the discharge and could cause itching in the vaginal canal as well. Especially those who eat seafood often and like to eat very special. May lose more than usual.

7. Essence

In seasoning, there are substances that stimulate the vaginal launch as well. And another is the spice is a herbal hot and spicy no less. I came across both warm zone and activator, the chances of yeast infection in the vaginal area is even more. Vaginal discharge is so much to the guidelines.

8. Fermentation
Fermentation of all sorts Certainly not unless the fish is a stimulant for bv. Including the fish and salted fish. Or sea food. If you eat too much. It might cause more discharge. Vaginal discharge may be light gray. The smell of salted seafood. And there could be irritation with the vagina.

9. Vegetables strong smell
This sort of as onions, bamboo locations, in line with the textbook Traditional oriental medicine. Food that has pungent smells may activate recurrent exacerbation. If you are in the treatment of vaginitis. These foods should be avoided far.

10. Fried food
The girls who like to eat fried foods often do not lose weight or simply call it up obese. The obesity which is cause of the symptoms are numerous unusual abnormalities. Both have excessive levels of bloodstream lipids, that might make having sex hormones easily varied. And obesity will raise the chances of drowning, particularly the girls in the lower leg to squeeze the body parts are not chilled enough. The dampness here is a fungal virus that may cause penile discharge as well.

Found in addition, people who take oral contraceptives for years consecutively. May cause bacteria and hormonal imbalance. Until the likelihood of infection in the vagina and symptoms come out as genital discharge. So if we find that our penile discharge is abnormal because they eat these drugs. Try to check with a gynecologist better. Or make an effort to check our vaginal discharge before it is normal or abnormal.

- Czech 15. Vomiting irregularities, girls be concerned?

The girls who like to eat such foods very special. And quite often have a lot of penile discharge is recommended to minimize or avoid these foods a lttle bit. For the health of our vagina established. But if anyone desires to care for her sis more. We have a healthy diet of the vagina to tell.

- 5 Vaginal Health Food Eat as much as this sister is happy.

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